Actress Dimitra Matsouka (Athens, 1974) nude in a erotic scene from a 1994 TV series, a 2000 movie, as & in photoshoots in Nitro 2004 & 2005, Esquire 2006.
DJ Kyriaki Tozoglou (Kavala, 1981 – aka Sandy Toz) naked exposes her huge breasts. In 2022 shοt 5 sex videos for a foreign pornographic company (see pages OMG six & Gold nine).
Star GS Hellas 2021 (Not to be confused with Star Hellas) Katerina Kouvoutsaki (Chania, 1997) in a second erotic video (Top Model One Night Stand, 2022) receives again intense anal.
On page FWB six, glamour model, singer & pornographic actress Julia Alexandratou (Athens, 1985) in a special edition of her first sex video. The Forbidden Uncut (2011) with much more extra footage & plot.
Photos & video of the oriental dancer Marianna (State) Stamati (Istanbul, Turkey 2000) in swimsuits showing off her large breasts & buttocks. Known from Annita Pania’s show “Like me”.
Star Peloponnese 2001 Eva Laskari (Athens, 1985) nude & topless on magazine covers. Max 2008, 2009 – Maxim 2005, 2007 – Nitro 2007 – Playboy 2008, as & from the play Hammam Women (2009).